Worked more today on unpacking boxes and trying to organize all my stuff. We had a rummage sale this morning until noon so my mom and I only worked in my room for about 3 hours. Unpacked most of my extra supplies (except for the new ones I bought this year) and got those put away on a shelf in my coat closet. I have it in the middle of the walkway to block of my end of the closet where I keep my personal filing cabinet and storage stuff. So, no kiddos will be hanging their coats at this end of the hall. lol
The only thing I can't find yet is all my extra boxes of crayons. ?? hmmm....
Since we finished unpacking most of the tubs, I decided to start placing a few pieces of furniture. I still have a lot to place around the room, but I needed to get my area set up so I can unpack my resources and items that I want in my small group/teacher area.
So, ignore the tables in front of the kidney table. They haven't been moved to their home yet. lol. The brown book shelf to the left of my table will hold my resource books, folders, and teacher stuff I need. The tubs in front of the shelf still need to be unpacked and put away in this area, but I ran out of time today. Next to the bookshelf if you look really closely you will see a bit of white. That is my personal fridge to keep my lunch cold and hold my water or soda. I have my CD player sitting on top of it. To the right of my table you will see the blue and green drawer organizers. This is where I keep all of those items you would normally find in a teacher desk since I don't have one. :)

As you move past my area you will see the little brown table. It has 2 bamboo cushions on the bottom shelf (for Daily 5) and eventually it will have a cute little lamp and stuff on it. :) The white board above it will be where I'm going to put our CAFE' menu. The black board next to that will have our AR goals on it. I can't decide if I want to do a fun goal for each month like in September put little apple trees and they can add apple stickers as they work toward their goals or if I just want to do something to go with my frog theme. We will see... The white shelf is going to hold some library books although this isn't going to be the actual classroom library area. It isn't set up yet. The large brown shelf is going to hold our math tubs. The black board behind the shelf will be our Daily 5 I-charts and stamina graphs.

Did I mention that my mom is my personal volunteer and comes to school with me everyday? Yes, I am SUPER lucky to have an extra pair of hands, eyes, ears in the room with me. So, this is her area. This rectangle table was in my 4th grade room last year, so it still needs to be lowered to 1st grade size. That chair that is sitting there isn't staying. My mom has a new lime green computer chair with wheels that will be coming to school when the new stuff comes to school. To the left of her table are 2 black filing cabinets that hold extra colored paper, files, sheet protectors, envelopes, etc. Next to the file cabinets is an easel holding a large dry erase board that she will use for her groups that she pulls over to her table. In case you are wondering what is next to the filing cabinet on the other side it is a fence gate. I bought it 2 years ago and painted it white to hide the ugly radiator (heater) that is in our rooms. It has sunflowers hanging on it now and it will change as the seasons change. :)

My pile is getting smaller, but all the stuff you see against the green chalkboard still has to move to its home. The 2 large bookshelves by the window will hold the kiddos' book bins. I like how they have those really tall shelf space so they should fit really nice! :)
The large green chalkboard behind the computers will eventually be a word wall. It is magnetic so I think that will make it nice for easily changing and adding words. This computer area still needs some work!
More stuff that will eventually have a home. Right now there is a book shelf holding some of the pillows that will be available in my room for Daily 5! And then you see the start of my teacher area again. I am planning to put Daily 5 anchor charts on that black board and the green board will be our Math Focus board.
Here is a view of the middle of my room. Still have a lot of tables and chairs that need to be moved to their respected homes. lol. The green boxes are mailboxes from
Really Good Stuff that my friend Beth is letting me borrow because she inherited some metal mailboxes to use. :) I have NO idea where these little babies are gonna end up in the whole mix of the room, but I will find somewhere. And there in the background you can see my ENO board! :)
Well, we still have a LONG way to go...but it is coming together slowly but surely. I don't plan to go back until Monday and it won't be for long. My cousin just got her first classroom so I'm planning to go help her set up her room. :) Happy Weekend everyone!