I really did have a great year this year. I had WAY too many kids but I loved them all. I had 29 most of the year and I just think that is too many to really make sure you give them everything they need. But by the end of the year I was down to 26 which isn't much better but did help. We had a lot of fun towards the end of the year!
In May we made a trip to Fair Oaks Dairy Farm in Fair Oaks, IN and let me tell you that we just absolutely love that place! We got to see a calf being born and it was AMAZING!!
We also spent an entire day at the AMBUCS park that has sprinklers and such that the kids absolutely adored. And finally our end of the year field day complete with bounce house, bounce obstacle course, face painting, dance party, bingo and a picnic lunch outside. It was a great way to spend some quality fun time with my little sweeties before sending them off for summer break. I had such a rough group last year that this year's group was like a blessing! Who knows what next year will bring!
Speaking of next year, I have begun thinking of things I might need to use in my classroom next year. I had an I have Who has sight word game that the kids loved this year, but it was more geared for the beginning of the year. I decided I wanted to have one with sight word phrases to help build fluency when they were ready for a bigger challenge. If you are interested in checking it out you can find it here.
Well it's great to be back guys! I can't wait to see what you are all up to on your summer breaks. We have some of our best creativity during this time...so bring it on!!