First of all, each month we have different comprehension strategies that each grade is expected to focus on at the same time. We started with visualize and making connections in September. In October, we focused on schema and making predictions. For November, we have three new strategies to teach. They are QAR, making inferences, and synthesizing. These strategies are a little hard for first graders, but they want us to at least start using the vocabulary so the kids will be familiar with it when they get to the upper grades. Here are two anchor charts I made to post in the room so we can start talking about them.
This is my QAR anchor chart. We are mainly going to focus on talking about what each kind of question is and being able to identify types of questions and where we can find the answers. Sorry for the crappy quality...I can't find my camera so I had to use my phone. :P
This is my synthesizing poster. I plan to make a chart of us changing our thinking as we read a story, but this is the one that will stay on the wall for the rest of the year as we continue to use the strategy. Wow...this pic looks really bad...I so need a better camera on my phone!
In EnVision, we have started talking about missing parts to numbers 6-9 and I really want my kiddos to practice this skill so they will understand subtraction better and also be able to understand that addition and subtraction are inverse operations. So, I created this one that isn't seasonal so I can use it as long as we need to until everyone understands the concept. You can check it out and get your own copy at my TPT store.
Well, now it is time to make dinner, finish the laundry, and read the first two chapters of the Number Sense Routines book that I begin a book circle on tomorrow. Have any of you read this book?
Have an awesome week!!