Over Christmas break we had a lot of flooding in our area. The school that I teach in is almost 100 years old. We had a lot of water coming in through walls and floors in the basement and had a lot of water down where our boiler room was. So, we came back to school for a week and a half and then out of nowhere the Regional Office of Education came to inspect our building after hearing of the flooding. We literally were told we had 5 minutes to get out of the building for an inspection. That was Wednesday afternoon. I haven't been allowed back into my building since then, and we just found out that we won't be back in for the rest of this school year. I had to beg for them to go back in and rescue my class pet our beta fish!
I have been at this school for the last 7 years and this is the school that I attended myself for 3rd and 4th grade. It is heartbreaking to not know the future of our school. At this time, we are not allowed back in to get any of our stuff until our superintendent gets the results of any structural damage or any possible mold growth. The worst part is that she says depending on the results we may never get back in. You know how as a teacher you not only spend so much money on things you want in your classroom, and make centers and invest a lot of time in things to organize your classroom...well imagine that everything you have made, bought, and invested time in for the last 10 years was in this room that you may NEVER be able to go into again! I am sick about it for sure! And I don't have the money to reinvest to rebuy everything all over again. :(
I understand not having us go to school there and I want my kiddos to be safe...don't get me wrong. But, there has been absolutely no water in my classroom at all on the main floor. Will my stuff really be that contaminated that I couldn't enter at my own risk and remove my stuff?
We are being relocated to another elementary building but we will at least still all be together. I am very thankful for that. Have any of you had to experience anything like this before? I would love to hear what you think!