The kids had a lot of fun learning lots of new things about apples, but we started it off activating our schema to see what they already knew about them. I was impressed!
We read some great apple books to help expand our learning.
One of our favorite activities was reading the story of The Little Red House with No Windows, No Doors, and a Star Inside. As I read we do a little visualizing lesson and I have them draw what they visualize as we start the story and also half way through the story. And then the fun comes at the end when we cut an apple in half and discover the magical star inside! Talk about excitement! The kids were so amazed and wanted to know how I did that. Lol I will admit that the first time I heard this story I was amazed too.
Yesterday we had our apple tasting and tasted red, yellow and green apples. I had the students list adjectives to describe each one and we compared our lists. (Sorry I forgot to take a pic of that). I also told them to pick their favorite one so we could graph them later for math.
We enjoyed this worksheet from Teachable Moments.
As you can see we had an overwhelming favorite with green apples.
We also wrote a poem and did this fun little apple craft from First Grade Blue Skies.
Overall we had a great week and the kids learned a lot about apples! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!