Well, I have been gone way to long! But let me tell you this group of firsties has me worn out!! I cannot wait for summer break to get here so I can relax and rejuvinate for next year's group. Only 5 more school days left!! Hallelujah!!
So, we have a new evaluation tool this year that was created after the Danielson model. I was super excited to find this new evidence binder created by Erica Bohrer at TPT!
I don't have to be evaluated again next year but I still want to get a better handle on collecting evidence before it is my turn again. One thing my administrator did tell me she wanted to see more of in my classroom was me integrating the higher order thinking skills into my lessons. Now, I am very familiar with Bloom's Taxonomy and I have been to multiple workshops that talk about cool things you can do with it in the intermediate grades.
My question to all of you is how do you bring it in more with First graders? I do ask my students higher level questions during my lessons, but I need something that will show evidence of it. Obviously, my administrator can't be in my room for all my lessons, so how can I prove that I am doing this with my kids? I appreciate your help and great ideas in advance!! :)