Hello all! Sorry I have been M.I.A. lately...no excuses other than the same hectic day-to-day stuff you all have to deal with. This time of year always finds me just trying to stay afloat. Teaching the kids routines and procedures and trying to help them move from the stage of Kinders to true Firsties.
In my school district we use EnVision Math for grades K-5. We will take our test on Topic 2 Understanding Subtraction this Tuesday and then we will move on to Topic 3 which deals with Five and Ten Frames. They already learned about Five-frames last year in Kindergarten so we will kick it off with Representing Numbers to 10 on a Ten-frame. This will cover CCSS 1.OA.5 which is to relate counting to addition and subtraction.
I'm pretty sure most of my kiddos will understand the concept, but I like them to practice during our math stations time anyway. So, I created a new math center to add to our math tubs. The idea is for partners to play together. One partner will draw a number card and represent that number on the ten-frame mat with counters. They will then ask their partner, "How many more do we need to make a 10?" The other partner will figure out the answer and record it on the answer sheet. Then they will switch roles and go again. I'm planning to try it out in my classroom later this week and I will let you know how it goes! If you want to check it out, it is available on my TPT site. Just click the link below!
Have a great week!!